Tuesday 5 December 2023

Scalare* SCADA Scripting FULL

- 2 komentar

Pada video kali ini kita akan membahas lebih jauh tentang Scripting pada Scalare* SCADA. 

Silakan download file projek Scalare* yang sudah berisi contoh-contoh script disini: 


Scalare* terupdate silakan download disini:


Kalau ada pertanyaan silakan tulis di komentar atau kirim email ke: hadiscada@gmail.com 

Terima kasih dan salam inovasi !

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Monday 4 December 2023

Scalare* SCADA - Scripting

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 Video kali ini memperkenalkan fitur baru Scalare* SCADA yaitu: Scripting.

Dengan fitur ini pengguna aplikasi Scalare bisa dengan leluasa membuat script yang diinginkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan proses SCADA. 

Kita akan membaca data dari aplikasi ModbusHD sebagai Modbus TCP simulator dan melakukan perhitungan sederhana yaitu penjumlahan. 

Silakan download Scalare* SCADA terupdate disini: 


Aplikasi ModbusHD bisa didownload disini:


Jika ada pertanyaan silakan isi kolom komentar atau kirim email kesini:


Terima kasih dan salam inovasi !  hehe

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Sunday 3 December 2023

How to use Button in Scalare* SCADA

- 0 komentar

 There are 8 events for Button in Scalare* SCADA: 

1. GotoPage

2. SetTag

3. AddTag

4. SubTag

5. ToggleTag

6. Login

7. Logout

8. RunScript

This video will show you some of them. 

Check your Scalare* SCADA version and update to the latest version here: http://hadiscada.com/scalare/download/Scalare.zip 

Thanks, and have a nice day!

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Friday 1 December 2023

Web SCADA with Scalare + Grafana

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 This video shows how to create a web SCADA using Scalare and Grafana.

In this example, I run the S7-PLC DB Simulator application as a PLC simulator, then I run Scalare to read the data and log to the MySQL database on the Miqottt.com server, and finally I login to Grafana on my server and create a Datasource and Dashboard.

S7-PLC DB Simulator




Get VPS (Web Server) with MySQL and Grafana from Rp.200k/month

email me: hadiscada@gmail.com

or WA : +6281212129806


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Thursday 30 November 2023

How to Install OPC DA Client Library

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 OPCDAAuto.dll is an official library for OPC DA Client from OPC Foundation. You can get the file and other resources from this website: https://opcfoundation.org/

Before you create/run some OPC DA Client application, you need to install the DLL first.

These are 3 ways to install the DLL into your Windows PC : 

1. Manual for Windows 32-bit 

2. Manual for Windows 64-bit 

3. Automatic by Code 

Download sample project here:


the DLL file is also available here:


Thanks !

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Wednesday 29 November 2023

OPC Modbus TCP Server XP

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This is a simple application (commercial / not free) for reading OPC DA and Modbus TCP that can be published as a Modbus TCP Server. We designed this app for Windows XP 32-bit, so the GUI is not pretty enough, but it can run in Windows 10.

You can purchase this little application (with full sourcecode) by sending me  an email here: 



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Tuesday 30 May 2023

Tutorial: WPF SCADA - Day 5 (finale - Graphic Dashboard)

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Teman2 yang saya hormati, tibalah kita pada akhir seri DIY membuat aplikasi SCADA: WPF SCADA. 

Pada video kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana membuat Dashboard SCADA. Kita akan menggunakan library Livecharts untuk membuat objek Gauge, Bar Chart dan Line Chart. 

AFAIK, ada 2 tipe Graphic pada aplikasi/software SCADA: 

1. Fixed Graphic/Dashboard

2. Dynamic Graphic/Dashboard

Yang tipe 1 itu maksudnya adalah tampilan SCADA nya tidak bisa kita rubah-rubah. Semua objek yang ditampilkan pada halaman Graphic/Dashboard dibuat di-script atau dibuat saat development, dan ketika aplikasi sudah jadi maka tampilan tersebut tidak bisa dirubah lagi, baik Teksnya, Warnanya, atau Posisinya. Biasanya aplikasi SCADA dengan tipe ini dibuat khusus/custom untuk client/user tertentu.

Tipe yang ke-2 itu maksudnya adalah tampilan SCADA nya bisa kita buat sendiri, ada fitur Graphic Designer untuk membuat tampilan dengan cara menambahkan objek-objek yang kita inginkan. Ini yang biasa ada pada software2 SCADA branded, termasuk SCALARE* 

*SCALARE ini walaupun termasuk low-cost SCADA software tapi sudah ada fitur Graphic Designer. Silakan download SCALARE FREE Version disini: hadiscada.com/scalare

Demikian materi yang bisa kami bagi. Kami memohon maaf karena banyak kekurangannya. Semoga ada yang bisa teman2 manfaatkan dari sini. 

We are sorry to all my friends who can not understand Bahasa Indonesia, because from the beginning until this end, I use Bahasa to explain the lessons.   

Terima kasih. Sampai jumpa pada video2 yang lainnya. 

WalhamduliLLAAH.. wassalaam..

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Tutorial: WPF SCADA - Day 4 (Modbus Connect, Read & Write)

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Pada tutorial kali ini kita akan instal library EasyModbus untuk konek, baca dan tulis ke Modbus TCP Server. Kita akan menggunakan aplikasi ModbusHD sebagai Modbus TCP Server simulator. 

Selamat menyaksikan.

Terima kasih dan Salam.

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Friday 26 May 2023

Tutorial: WPF SCADA - Day 3 (Theme & Icon)

- 0 komentar


Jumpa lagi dengan HadiSCADA, mudah-mudahan teman-teman tidak bosan, karena pelajaran kita masih banyak.. hehe..

Melanjutkan pembelajaran kita sebelumnya, pada video kali ini kita akan menambahkan Theme dan Icon pada projek WPF SCADA kita dengan menggunakan library dari MaterialDesign.

Dengan library tersebut kita bisa merubah warna-warna objek dengan mudah. Kita bisa juga menambahkan icon pada beberapa objek yang diperlukan seperti pada objek Button dan Menu. Hal tersebut bisa membuat aplikasi kita menjadi tampak lebih profesional dan menarik.

Silakan disimak dan diikuti tutorialnya, jika ada masalah silakan tulis di komentar atau hubungi kami via WA. Semoga bermanfaat.

Terima kasih dan Salam..

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Wednesday 24 May 2023

Tutorial: WPF SCADA - Day 2 (Menu File Save Open)

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Melanjutkan pembelajaran sebelumnya, kali ini kita akan memodifikasi projek WPF SCADA kita dengan menambahkan Menu, yang berisi menu File diantaranya untuk Save dan Open ke/dari file Text, juga menu Recents untuk menyimpan list file yang sudah dibuka. 

Untuk yang belum melihat materi sebelumnya (Day 1) silakan buka link berikut : 

Part 1 : https://youtu.be/GVif1Z4Eo0o

Part 2 : https://youtu.be/BjtyPY1htB8

Beberapa point yang akan kita pelajari di video kali ini adalah:

1. Membuat Menu, Menu Item dan Separator menu

2. Membuat script untuk setiap menu

3. Menampilkan Save File Dialog dan Open File Dialog

4. Menulis file Text dengan Stream Writer

5. Membaca file Text dengan Stream Reader

6. Menyimpan data pada Properties Settings aplikasi

7. Menghapus dan menambahkan Menu Item dengan script

Silakan disimak, dipelajari dan diikuti. Sebaiknya teman-teman langsung praktek di komputer masing-masing. 

Demikian dari kami. Sampai jumpa di pelajaran berikutnya, insya Allah. 


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Monday 22 May 2023

Tutorial: WPF SCADA - Day 1 (Connection & Tag)

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Pada video kali ini kita akan belajar untuk membuat aplikasi WPF SCADA. 

Durasinya lebih panjang dari biasanya karena kami sertakan penjelasan mengenai beberapa hal terkait WPF untuk pengetahuan bagi yang baru mengenal WPF. 

Kami menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia agar teman-teman bisa lebih mengerti materinya. 

WPF (Windows Presentation Form) mempunyai banyak kelebihan dari Windows Form (WinForm) dalam visualisasi dan interaksi User Interface, sehingga sangat cocok untuk dipakai pada aplikasi SCADA. 

Pada Day 1 ini kita akan membahas Connection dan Tag, bagaimana membuat antarmuka untuk Add, Edit dan Delete Connection juga Tag. 

Kami bagi menjadi 2 bagian (part) agar lebih mudah untuk upload dan downloadnya. 

Silakan disimak Part 1 dan Part 2 nya, disini:

Part 1 : https://youtu.be/GVif1Z4Eo0o

Part 2 : https://youtu.be/BjtyPY1htB8

Semoga bermanfaat.

Salam inovasi !

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Tuesday 16 May 2023

Tutorial: C# OPC UA Client

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 Halo teman2 inovator!

Pada tutorial kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana membuat aplikasi sederhana untuk membaca data dari sebuah OPC UA Server, artinya kita akan membuat sebuah aplikasi OPC UA Client. Kita akan menggunakan Visual Studio 2022 dan bahasa C# dengan tipe aplikasi Desktop Windows Form atau bisa disingkat WinForm. 

Aplikasi OPC UA Server yang akan kita gunakan ada 2 macam, yaitu memakai OPCAgentX dari HadiSCADA (silakan lihat di video2 kami sebelumnya jika teman2 belum tahu) dan untuk mensimulasikan fungsi Write kita akan pakai OPC UA Server Simulator dari Integration Objects. 

OPC UA berbeda dengan OPC DA. OPC UA memliki banyak kelebihan. Kekurangan2 pada OPC DA seperti ribetnya konfigurasi DCOM, sudah tidak perlu dipikirkan lagi. Sebenarnya ada beberapa macam koneksi, namun pada tutorial kali ini kita akan menggunakan koneksi Anonymous artinya kita tidak perlu mendefinisikan user authentication apapun, kita hanya perlu parameter IP atau nama komputer dan nama OPC UA Server nya.

Untuk projek kali ini kita akan menggunakan library OPC UA Helper. Kami tidak terlalu mengerti mengenai legalitas library ini, jadi kami tidak bertanggung jawab apabila ada permasalahan terkait legalitas atau apapaun yang menyangkut hukum. Disini kami menunjukan tutorial untuk tujuan pembelajaran saja.

Untuk membaca data dari sebuah OPC Server, ada 2 metode yang bisa dilakukan. Pertama adalah metode Read dan yang kedua adalah metode Subscription. Metode Read butuh triger manual untuk membaca data bisa dari penekanan tombol atau bisa dikombinasikan dengan objek Timer untuk melakukan Read setiap interval waktu tertentu, metode ini disebut juga metode Polling. Sedangkan metode Subscibe atau Subscription dia tidak perlu triger manual, setiap kali ada perubahan value di sisi server akan dikirim pemberitahuan ke sisi client. 

Baik metode Polling ataupun Subscribe masing2 punya kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2. Silakan teman2 coba2 sendiri dan temukan metode yang paling pas untuk sistem yang teman2 punya.

Berikut adalah timeline dari video tutorial kali ini:

00:00 - intro

00:08 - setup OPCAgentX as OPC UA Server

02:17 - create a new project

13:41 - test Connect

16:05 - test Read value

16:26 - Write value

21:12 - Subscribe

Demikian yang bisa kami sajikan kali ini, semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih dan Salam inovasi!

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Tuesday 9 May 2023

Tutorial: C# OPC UA Server

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Welcome to the tutorial on creating an OPC UA Server application using C#!

OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) is an industry standard for communicating and exchanging data between different devices and systems. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an OPC UA Server application using C# language.

The OPC UA Server application we will create will be able to receive requests from OPC UA clients, send requested data, and provide additional functions such as creating and deleting nodes. By the end of this tutorial, you will understand how OPC UA Server application works and be able to apply it to different IoT and industrial automation projects.

Let's get started!

00:00 - intro

00:08 - download OPC UA Helper

01:31 - test with OPCAgentX

03:24 - change Server name

05:23 - change Server port

06:17 - create new Folder & Tags

09:15 - change Application name

09:42 - change Form icon

11:19 - change App file icon

Thank you!

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Saturday 6 May 2023

Publish OPC DA as OPC UA Server

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Welcome to this tutorial on how to use OPCAgentX to publish OPC DA data as an OPC UA server. OPCAgentX is a free Windows application that supports OPC DA and OPC UA clients and offers features such as trend/chart, SQL database log, alarms, notifications, and publishing to MQTT.

With OPCAgentX, you can bridge the gap between OPC DA and OPC UA by publishing OPC DA data as an OPC UA server. This allows you to integrate OPC DA data with modern systems and applications that support OPC UA.

To get started, the first thing you need to do is download and install OPCAgentX from this link:


We hope you found this tutorial helpful. Thanks for watching!

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Friday 5 May 2023

How to Publish OPC Data to MQTT

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Welcome to this tutorial on how to use OPCAgentX to publish OPC data to MQTT. MQTT is a popular messaging protocol used in the Internet of Things (IoT) to exchange data between devices and systems.

With OPCAgentX, you can easily read OPC data from OPC UA or OPC DA servers and publish it to an MQTT broker. To get started, the first thing you need to do is download and install OPCAgentX from this link:


For free MQTT broker please register and login to Miqottt.com and follow the tutorials.

With OPCAgentX, you can easily publish OPC data to MQTT and integrate it with other IoT devices and systems. 

We hope you found this tutorial helpful. Thanks for watching!

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Read OPC UA with OPCAgentX

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Welcome to this tutorial on how to use OPCAgentX application to read data from an OPC UA Server. OPCAgentX is a free Windows application that supports OPC DA and OPC UA clients and offers features such as trend/chart, SQL database log, alarms, notifications, and publishing to MQTT.

To get started, the first thing you need to do is download OPCAgentX from this link: 


Then follow the video.

With OPCAgentX, you can easily read data from an OPC UA Server and visualize it. 

We hope you found this tutorial helpful. Thanks for watching!

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Thursday 20 April 2023

Tutorial: OPC DA Client - C# WinForm

- 0 komentar

 Hello innovators!

Welcome to this tutorial on how to create an OPC DA client application. OPC (OLE for Process Control) is a widely-used industrial automation protocol that enables communication between various automation systems. In this tutorial, we will be creating a client application that can connect to an OPC DA server, read and write data.

Before we begin, you will need to have the following installed:

+ A development environment : Visual Studio 2022

+ The OPC DA Automation Wrapper Library : watch this video https://youtu.be/KNxQExjK_CQ

+ The OPC Server/Simulator : watch this video https://youtu.be/a0WNkViknoo

+ other OPC Client application for comparation : watch this video https://youtu.be/yaCpdWu4T-A

These are the steps:

00:00 - intro

00:08 - Create a New Project

08:32 - Add Reference

09:11 - Coding / Scripting

22:42 - Testing

24:33 - Compare with OPCAgentX

25:36 - Extra

That's it! With these steps, you can create a basic OPC DA client application that can read data from an OPC server and write it. From here, you can build on this foundation to create more complex and powerful client applications that can fully leverage the capabilities of the OPC protocol.

Thanks, and have a nice day!

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Tuesday 18 April 2023

Download and install OPCDAAuto.dll

- 0 komentar

Hello innovators! 

Before we start to build an OPC DA Client application, we need to install the OPC DA library first. This video shows you how to install OPCDAAuto.dll on your Windows system. 

This step is important because the library is not available on NuGet. And the OPC Foundation does not publish this one on the website any more.

So, make sure that you successfully install the library, because in the next tutorial we will use it to create an OPC DA client application.

Here are the steps:

1. download OPCDAAuto.rar from this link: 


2. extract the file

3. Copy file OPCDAAuto.dll and if your Windows is:

3a. 32-bit then Paste to C:\Windows\System32


3b. 64-bit then Paste to C:\Windows\SysWOW64

4. open Command Prompt, and if your Windows is:

4a. 32-bit then type: cd C:\Windows\System32


4b. 64-bit then type: cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64

5. type: regsvr32 OPCDAAuto.dll


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Friday 14 April 2023

OPC Agent Expert : OPC DA & UA Client Windows App

- 2 komentar

 Hello innovators!

OPCAgentX is a comprehensive OPC client application designed for Windows that supports both OPC Data Access (DA) and OPC Unified Architecture (UA). With a variety of powerful features such as trend/chart displays, SQL database logging, alarm and notification capabilities, and MQTT publishing, OPCAgentX is a robust solution for real-time data acquisition.

00:00 - intro

00:11 - OPC DA Browse & Monitor

01:54 - Trend / Chart

03:34 - SQL Database logging

06:02 - File logging

08:29 - Alarm

10:51 - Publish to MQTT

12:17 - OPC UA

13:46 - Options Theme

Download OPCAgentX free version here:


Thanks and have a nice day!

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Wednesday 5 April 2023

Tutorial : EXCEL to MQTT - VB WinForm

- 0 komentar

 How to publish data from Excel file to MQTT, and write back data from MQTT to Excel file

Part 1 : Create VB project, Read & Write Excel file

Part 2 : MQTT publish and subscribe, Testing

We will use :

+ Miqottt.com as MQTT broker

+ WPS Office spreadsheet to create Excel (xlsx) file

+ Visual Studio 2022

+ MQTT Explorer

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Tutorial: MySQL to MQTT - VB.net WinForm

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 Hello innovators !

This video tutorial shows how to create a VB (Visual Basic) dot Net Windows Form application to read data from MySQL and publish to MQTT. 

These are the steps:

00:00 - intro

00:11 - setup database & login to Miqottt.com

01:34 - create a new VB WinForm project

10:20 - install package: MySQLConnector & M2Mqtt

11:55 - scripting

27:25 - start Runtime & Test

We use Miqottt as a MQTT broker. If you don't know about it, please watch the previous video here: https://youtu.be/G7tTA49Vd7w

Miqottt is FREE. You can register and follow the steps here: miqottt.com


Thanks, and have a nice day !

[Continue reading...]

Monday 27 March 2023

Tutorial: Modbus TCP to MQTT - VB.net WinForm

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 Hello innovators!

If you have Modbus data and you want to make it accessible from the internet, this video could be a perfect solution for you. 

The goal of this project is to publish Modbus TCP data to MQTT so we can access it from anywhere and any application.

This is a Modbus IOT (internet of things) project. 

Before you start, there are a few things you have to prepare:

1. get access to a MQTT broker. We will use Miqottt.com as a FREE MQTT broker. All you need to do is easily register, login and create a topic.

2. a Modbus device or simulator. We will use ModbusHD. You can get it from this link: https://youtu.be/gmmLis3Vk6Y

3. Visual Studio 2022 as an IDE for creating a project.

4. an application to check MQTT data. We will use MQTT Explorer. 

These are the steps:

00:00 - intro

00:10 - create a new VB WinForm project

04:26 - login to Miqottt.com to get MQTT topic

05:04 - configure Modbus Register address

08:32 - install package: EasyModbus, M2Mqtt

10:07 - Scripting

19:53 - test Modbus with ModbusHD

20:32 - scripting MQTT client

24:41 - test MQTT with MQTT Explorer

Thanks, and have a nice day!

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Friday 24 March 2023

Tutorial: iOS & Android MQTT Client App - Xamarin Forms Visual Studio Mac

- 0 komentar

 Hello innovators!

This video tutorial is for you who want to create Mobile Application as MQTT client for iOS and Android using Xamarin Forms project with Visual Studio on Mac.

From this app, you can Subscribe to get/read data and Publish to set/write data to some MQTT topics on the MQTT broker.

These are the steps:

00:00 - intro

00:11 - login to Miqottt.com and get main Topic

00:50 - test with MQTT Explorer

01:34 - create a new Xamarin Forms project

04:46 - edit MainPage layout

11:01 - install M2Mqtt package

11:49 - scripting

18:30 - start Runtime iOS emulator

21:32 - start Runtime Android emulator

We use Miqottt as a MQTT broker. If you don't know about it, please watch the previous video here: https://youtu.be/G7tTA49Vd7w

Miqottt is FREE. You can register and follow the steps here: miqottt.com

Thanks and have a nice day!

[Continue reading...]

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Tutorial: C# MQTT Client WinForm

- 0 komentar

 Hello innovators !

This video tutorial is for you who want to create a C# Windows Form application as a MQTT client. 

From this app, you can Subscribe to get/read data and Publish to set/write data to some MQTT topics on the MQTT broker.

These are the steps:

00:00 - intro

00:11 - login to Miqottt.com and get Topic

00:39 - create a new C# WinForm project

04:21 - add M2Mqtt library

04:49 - scripting

13:40 - test Runtime with MQTT Explorer

We use Miqottt as a MQTT broker. If you don't know about it, please watch the previous video here: https://youtu.be/G7tTA49Vd7w

Miqottt is FREE. You can register and follow the steps here: miqottt.com


Thanks, and have a nice day !

[Continue reading...]

Sunday 19 March 2023

Tutorial: Visual Basic .Net MQTT Client WinForm

- 0 komentar

 Hello innovators !

This video tutorial is for you who want to create a VB (Visual Basic) dot Net Windows Form application as a MQTT client. 

From this app, you can Subscribe to get/read data and Publish to set/write data to some MQTT topics on the MQTT broker.

These are the steps:

00:00 - intro

00:11 - login to Miqottt.com and get Topic

00:39 - create a new VB WinForm project

04:43 - add M2Mqtt library

05:15 - scripting

16:48 - test Runtime with MQTT Explorer

We use Miqottt as a MQTT broker. If you don't know about it, please watch the previous video here: https://youtu.be/G7tTA49Vd7w

Miqottt is FREE. You can register and follow the steps here: miqottt.com


Thanks, and have a nice day !

[Continue reading...]

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Tutorial: ESP32 to MQTT + Miqottt & Scalare

- 0 komentar


This video shows how to:

  • add MQTT library (PubSubClient) to Arduino IDE
  • script ESP32 to connect, subscribe, and publish data to the MQTT broker (Miqottt)
  • use Serial Monitor and MQTT Explorer to monitor data
  • display data using Scalare*

Plug your ESP32 board into the PC and use Arduino IDE to program it.

We use Miqottt as a MQTT broker, it's free and easy to use. Please register at Miqottt.com and watch the previous video: https://youtu.be/G7tTA49Vd7w

SCALARE* is SCADA Application Software, that's also free and easy to use. Please watch this video: https://youtu.be/9izqUVRvfcw

Thanks, and have a nice day!

[Continue reading...]

Saturday 11 March 2023

Tutorial: VB.Net S7-PLC Client

- 0 komentar

 This tutorial shows you how to create an application that can read and write to a Siemens S7-PLC.

We use Visual Studio 2022, with Visual Basic and WinForm .Net Framework type project.

These are the steps:

00:00 - Create VB WinForm Project

08:19 - Scripting

16:37 - Test with S7-PLC DB Simulator


The S7DBSim application can be downloaded from this link:


Thank you, and have a nice day!

[Continue reading...]

Friday 10 March 2023

Tutorial: C# S7-PLC Client

- 0 komentar

 This tutorial shows you how to create an application that can read and write to a Siemens S7-PLC.

We use Visual Studio 2022, with C# and WinForm .Net Framework type project.

These are the steps:

00:00 - Create C# WinForm Project

07:42 - Scripting

13:57 - Test with S7-PLC DB Simulator


The S7DBSim application can be downloaded from this link: 



Thank you, and have a nice day!

[Continue reading...]

Thursday 9 March 2023

SCALARE* to S7-PLC DB Simulator

- 0 komentar


This video shows how SCALARE* connect to Siemens S7-PLC (Simulator) and read/write some data.

SCALARE* is SCADA application software that can communicate with a lot of industrial protocols. For more detail about SCALARE* and how to download the app, please visit this link: 

S7-PLC DB Simulator can be downloaded from this link: 

Thanks, and have a nice day!

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Tuesday 7 March 2023

S7-PLC DB Simulator - FREE

- 0 komentar

 Hello innovators!

Let me introduce our latest innovation: S7DBSim, a simple Windows application that can simulate Data Block of Siemens S7-PLC.

This video shows how to use the application and how it communicates with WinCC.

00:00 - How to use S7DBSim

04:47 - Test with WinCC

It's FREE, please download the Zip file from here: 


This app use Snap7 library: 


I hope this application will be useful for you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write them in a comment or by email.

Thanks and have a nice day!

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Sunday 26 February 2023

Tutorial: Modbus Chart - C# WPF

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Hi innovators! 

This tutorial shows you the easy way to create an application that displays Modbus data on a Chart object.

We use Visual Studio 2022, with C# and WPF .Net Framework type project.

These are the steps:

00:00 - Create a C# WPF Project

00:42 - Install EasyModbus & LiveCharts package

01:28 - Create Chart objects

08:28 - Coding / Scripting

14:37 - Test with Modbus TCP Server Simulator (ModbusHD)

18:30 - Change some parameters


The Modbus simulator (ModbusHD) can be downloaded from this link:


Thank you, and have a nice day!

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Friday 24 February 2023

Tutorial: Modbus Gauge - C# WPF

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 Hi innovators! 

This video tutorial shows you the easy way to create an application that displays Modbus data on a Gauge object.

We use Visual Studio 2022, with C# and WPF .Net Framework type project.

These are the steps:

00:00 - Create a C# WPF Project

01:37 - Install the library of EasyModbus & LiveCharts

02:39 - Create Gauge objects

10:05 - Set Name of Gauge objects

11:07 - Coding / Scripting

15:09 - Test with Modbus TCP Server Simulator (ModbusHD)


Thank you, and have a nice day!

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Sunday 19 February 2023

Tutorial: Modbus RTU Master Multi Slave - C# & VB.net

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 This video tutorial shows you the easy way to create a Modbus RTU/Serial Master application (using C# and VB.net on Visual Studio 2022) and read some Holding Registers from multiple Modbus RTU Slaves. 

The Modbus RTU/Serial Slave devices are simulated by ModbusHD application, you can get the app from this link:



and the COM ports are emulated by Virtual Serial Port Emulator (VSPE), you can download from here:


Thanks, and have a nice day!

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Sunday 12 February 2023

Tutorial Modbus TCP Server C# Desktop App

- 1 komentar

Hi inovators! 

This video shows a simple and easy tutorial for creating a Modbus TCP Server application using C# on Visual Studio 2022.

These are the steps:

+ Create a new WinForm .Net Framework project

+ Install Easymodbus package from NuGet.

+ Add some objects.

+ Write the scripts/coding.

+ Test with Modbus TCP Client (ModbusHD).


Download ModbusHD from here: 



Thanks, and have a nice day!

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Tuesday 7 February 2023

Tutorial Modbus TCP Client Xamarin Mobile App

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This video tutorial shows you how to create a Mobus TCP Client app on mobile (Android) using Visual Studio with a Xamarin Forms C# project.

For Modbus TCP Server Simulator, please download ModbusHD application from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qlb29iHVV4s2ykGiPQvSF1xa7I4dhFTe/view

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Friday 27 January 2023

Mac/iOS Apps for Modbus

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I build some apps for iOS and Mac for Modbus:

you can download here:https://apps.apple.com/id/developer/hadi-hidayat/id1608282304


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